Desert Strings Community Orchestra Online Tuition Payment

Tuition Payment Information

Tuition for Desert Strings can be paid in one of two ways.

Payment can be made by check made out to "Desert Strings" or you can pay using a credit card online.

The tuition is $25 per month if you pay using a check.

The tuition is $26 per month if you pay online. The addition amount covers the online transaction fees.

You can also pay by week. The cost by week by check or online is $12 per week.

Tuition Scholarships

We do not want anyone to not join Desert Strings because they cannot pay the tuition.

If the tuition is a financial hardship for you, please contact us. We have scholarship funds that we can use to pay for your tuition.

Email us at Webmaster to ask for your tuition to be paid by the scholarship funds.

Online Tuition Payment

Click the following link to pay tuition online. This will take you to a secure page where you can enter your credit card information. You can pay for 1 week, or 1 to 4 months.

Desert Strings Tuition Payment